The Campbell Clinic is a multi-speciality private practice based in Nottingham. With over 50 employees and covering an expansive range of care, The Campbell Clinic is constantly evolving and Dentally has helped.
Dentally provides an electronic avenue of patient communication which in the fast-paced modern world a lot of people like. "
- Carl Dunstan - The Campbell Clinic
Why did you choose Dentally?
Patient experience is everything to us - it is how you as a dental business add value to the pound. If someone is going to choose us over a provider, we don't want to compete on price but that we deliver what we promise. Standard operating procedures need to help deliver what you promise, Dentally has allowed us from the most expensive complex case to the mundane and routine to create a standard operating system that standardizes for everybody the same level of care. Dentally has become a single place of truth for us. We can find whatever we need about every patient from one place in Dentally.
Would you recommend Dentally?
As well as the dental clinic, we also run the Campbell Academy, and we talk a lot about Dentally being our practice management system of choice because it is mouldable around exact workflows within a business. If we talk about business and how practices can standardize ops, which in turn, standardizes quality of care - creating consistency in the administrative, clinical and financial journey through your business. Dentally is such a good tool and is scalable to your growth. We recommend Dentally in all of our business courses.
What do you see as the key benefits of Dentally?
The key benefits for us are the fact that is cloud-based so we can work remotely, it is paperless - which for us is important as we want to reduce our environmental impact. The ease of patient communication in the fast-paced modern world - a lot of people like. People can cancel and rebook appointments at 9 pm on a Sunday evening, that has been perfect for us. Dentally does the heavy lifting of the administrative work - it provides us with more time to be more human with our patients.
If you would like to speak to our team and discover how Dentally could help your practice then please contact us at now.